- Hof (Germany)
- 24/04/2024
15th Engineering Colloquium at the Hof University of Applied Sciences
Outstanding final theses from the Faculty of Engineering are the focus of the annual engineering colloquium at Hof University of Applied Sciences, where they are presented with the RAUMEDIC Award. At the 15th edition, Veronika Trapp received the prize for the best Bachelor’s thesis for her explanations on the development of innovative nonwovens. The award for the best Master’s thesis went to Maximilian Munzert, who successfully dealt with the ageing of SLS materials and its effects.
The winners of this year’s engineering colloquium together with their academic supervisors and Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Christine Falkenreck (front right); Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The award ceremony, moderated by Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Christine Falkenreck, took place in the architecturally appealing foyer of the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) and offered students a prestigious platform to present their work results and exchange ideas with specialists from the industry. Once again, RAUMEDIC AG presented the coveted awards as well as prize money of 1,000 euros for first place, 200 euros for second place and 100 euros for third place. In his welcoming address, University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann emphasized the importance of engineering sciences for Germany as a business location:
“We must think into the future today with new products and thus also actively promote Germany as an engineering location time and time again.”
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Lehmann, University President
Thanks to the modular structure of the Bachelor’s degree course in Engineering and a course generator , it is possible to study a total of over 150 different subject combinations at Hof University of Applied Sciences.
Selection via ranking
The winners of the RAUMEDIC Prize are selected annually on the basis of a ranking. This takes several factors into account: The final grade, assessment by the supervising professors with regard to the relevance of the work for science and industrial practice and, to a small percentage, the overall study grade.
Winner of the RAUMEDIC Prize 2024 in the Bachelor’s category
The laudatory speech for winner Veronika Trapp was held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus-Ekkehard Koukal, the supervisor of her thesis. He praised the outstanding quality of the work in all assessment criteria and also referred to the extraordinary commitment of the 1.0 graduate, who now also wishes to complete her Master’s degree at Hof University of Applied Sciences. In addition to Veronika Trapp, Antonia Daubner (2nd), Erik Baier and Rebecca Schubert (tied 3rd) were also able to impress in the Bachelor’s thesis category. They received their prizes from Bianca Holler, Global Vicepresident Human Resources at RAUMEDIC AG. Antonia Daubner dealt with the analysis and evaluation of compression spring production, while Rebecca Schubert researched the analysis and formulation of recycled polyvinyl chloride. Erik Baier dealt with the “Strength calculation of a bearing support and creation of a cooling concept for the bearing it contains”.
Winner of the RAUMEIDC Prize 2024 in the Master’s category
Winner Maximilian Munzert dealt with the question of how often materials can be efficiently reused in production before this has a negative impact on the components and delivered “a remarkable result that a company can work with in a very concrete way,” said laudator Prof. Dr. Anke Müller, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Hof University of Applied Sciences.
In addition to Maximilian Munzert, Chris Burkel (second place) and Dominik Weiß (third place) were also successful in the Master’s thesis category. Chris Burkel’s thesis was on the “Use of contrast agents in computed tomography for hairline crack detection and damage analysis of impact damage in fiber composites”, while Dominik Weiß’s thesis was on the “Numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction of a reed valve in a radial piston compressor for passenger car air suspension systems”.
Inspiring technical lecture
The program of the engineering colloquium is traditionally supplemented by topic-specific technical presentations. Bruno Hartmann, manager and member of the supervisory board of Bosch Rexroth AG, reported on his leadership experience as an industrial manager. His presentation was based on the maxim “Making decisions – building networks – paying attention to value and impact”. As a young employee, you first have to make the active decision to be part of a company and want to change it for the better. For success, it is particularly important to be guided by the right role models:
“A good strategy is only good if I can also win over those I need for it: so network with people who have something going for them themselves and who will give you honest feedback.”
Bruno Hartmann, Bosch Rexroth AG
When it comes to decision-making, however, it is not only competence that is important, but often also intuition: “When it comes to really complex decisions, thinking is often no longer useful. You need the right gut feeling based on your own experience.” As a manager, it is also necessary to show a desire to perform and always be curious about what others know.
Stylish setting
The ceremony was accompanied by a performance by the university band and a buffet for all participants.
An overview of the winners
Category Best Bachelor Thesis
- Veronika Trapp: “Development of innovative nonwovens”
- Antonia Daubner: “Analysis and evaluation of compression spring production and its
Results in connection with the Dannert multi-production calculation for series production”
Series production” - Rebecca Schubert: “Analysis and formulation of recycled polyvinyl chloride after the
Removal of additives containing heavy metals” and
Erik Baier: “Strength calculation of a bearing support and creation of a cooling concept for the bearing
storage contained therein”
Best Master’s Thesis Category
- Maximilian Munzert: “Effect of the recycling rate and the ageing of
Copolyamide SLS materials on the powder rheology and component properties” - Chris Burkel: “Use of contrast agents in computed tomography for hairline crack detection
and damage analysis of impact damage in fiber composites” - Dominik Weiß: “Numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction of a
Reed valve in a radial piston compressor for passenger car air suspension systems”
RAUMEDIC develops solutions for life. Together with its customers, the medical and pharmaceutical technology company breaks new ground to improve the diagnosis and therapy of diseases. In doing so, RAUMEDIC focuses on polymer-based solutions for medical and pharmaceutical applications as well as products for intensive care. RAUMEDIC is represented worldwide and employs around 1,200 people at five production sites. In the core markets of Europe and North America, the company manufactures in its own clean room manufacturing facilities.