Precise Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure (ptiO2) in the Brain
RAUMEDIC offers numerous possibilities for measuring the oxygen partial pressure. Depending on the indication, the setup and the components can be variably combined.
Why is Measuring Oxygen Partial Pressure Important?
After a primary cerebral damage to the brain caused by a traumatic event e.g. through an accident or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAB), there is a high risk of secondary damage to the brain tissue. Cerebral oxygen deficiency is regarded as the main cause for this. In most patients the elevated ICP (intracranial pressure) negatively impacts the cerebral perfusion and can therefore cause cerebral ischemia. This temporary or permanent disproportion between the brain tissue's oxygen supply and oxygen demand can cause tissue damage and possible necrosis.
How does the ptiO2 measurement from RAUMEDIC work?
The NEUROVENT-PTO / -TO / -PTO 2L are catheters for measuring oxygen partial pressure in the brain tissue. They apply an optical measurement principle where molecular oxygen directly quenches the light emitted by a luminescing agent in the tip of the probe.
In the video you can see an exemplary application with the NEUROVENT-PTO and the MPR2 logO DATALOGGER.

Catheters for Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure
RAUMEDIC catheters for parenchyma measure ptiO2 with various features. In addition to the general advantages of the RAUMEDIC measuring catheters NEUROVENT-PTO and NEUROVENT-TO, the oxygen sensor does not change the oxygen content in the brain tissue during measurement of the oxygen partial pressure.
The RAUMEDIC NEUROVENT-PTO measures the oxygen partial pressure in the brain tissue. At the same time, intracranial pressure (ICP) and temperature (ICT) are measured in one catheter.
Unique catheter to measure ICP, temperature and ptiO2 for the application with a BOLT KIT PTO 2L and a microdialysis catheter
Depending on the indication the NEUROVENT-TO can be used to measure the temperature and oxygen partial pressure in the brain tissue.
Comprehensive Monitoring Solutions
Visualization and storage with MPR2 logO DATALOGGER
Display and storage of measured ICP, ICT and ptiO2.
Display of data with EASY logO
Simple display of ICP, ICT and ptiO2-data, data storage on the patient monitor by transferring the values.
The partial pressure of oxygen in brain tissue reflects the availability of oxygen at a specific location. As a parameter, it expresses the balance between the oxygen delivery from the blood and the oxygen consumption of the brain tissue. It is influenced by changes in capillary perfusion, cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral metabolism.
Cerebral oxygen deficiency - and the associated secondary brain damage - can occur even when ICP (Intracranial Pressure) and CPP (Cerebral Perfusion Pressure) values are within a normal range. This is because alterations in cerebral oxygen supply or blood flow may lead to changes in ICP and CPP with a delay due to cerebral autoregulation.